CAA will hold webinars in response to an influx of requests for guidance on and advice about academic publishing. Organized and moderated by Christy Anderson, Editor-in-Chief of The Art Bulletin and professor of the History of Architecture at University of Toronto, a panel of publishing experts will discuss and answer audience questions on the topics of turning longer research into an article and responding to readers’ reports and revisions. Our aim is to help demystify the academic publishing process, expand access to publishing education and professional development, and ultimately increase diversity in publishing.
Jevi is assisting with the backend support for two webinars.
The recipient of the Peters Innovation and Development Grant is Chloe Robes!
“Awash in Digital Imagery: what next for traditional art and
The CAA Services to Artists Committee (SAC) is currently accepting submissions for Imagination & Collage, an exhibition to be held during the CAA 112th Annual Conference at Hilton Chicago, February 14–17, 2024. Both emerging and established artists working in the medium of collage are encouraged to apply. Entry is free.
As part of the SSHRC Governing Councils’ Programming Committee, Jevi was invited to Parliament Hill to attend a special event showcasing the world-class research being carried out across Canada by SSHRC-funded researchers.
On June 8, 2023, the Honourable Anthony Rota, MP(Nipissing-Timiskaming) and Speaker of the House of Commons, and SSHRC co-hosted a research showcase on Parliament Hill. Parliamentarians, ambassadors, senior government officials and many other key stakeholders met with close to 20 SSHRC-funded researchers and students from across Canada who are generating insights and impacts on issues that matter to Canadians, including economic vulnerability, climate change and environment, pandemic and wellness, Indigenous reconciliation, and cybersecurity.
Jevi was recently invited to join the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) to serve as a society scholar in a program titled Intention Foundry or IF, focusing on Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Anti-racism in academia.
The Intention Foundry consists of a series of intensive online and in-person institutes centered on aspirational projects proposed by the next generation of scholars. Hearing their hopes, concerns, and propositions for change, not only disrupts the status quo, it positions them to set the agenda for changes that will create a more just academy in the 21st century.
This initiative is backed by a $2 million grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, over three years (2021, 2022, 2023).
Jevi’s work “Inter Alia” was showcased as part of the festival Together Apart November festival.
Together Apart is the second part of an international, bi-city festival co-presented by La Station-Gare des Mines (Paris) and Long Winter Music and Arts Festival (Toronto).
In the previous iteration, Long Winter and Collectif MU, in partnership with the French Consulate in Toronto launched LONG WINTER PARIS: an inaugural two-day France/Canada DIY festival and showcase at La Station-Gare des Mines. The event opened ongoing exchange between an under-represented, world-class range of underground music and art scenes in Toronto and Paris.
Long Winter + La Station is the second installment of the collaboration, presented live in Paris and Toronto, and broadcast virtually for global audiences.
Jevi was recently appointed a member of the Services to Artists Committee (SAC).
SAC is made up of artists, scholars, and educators from across the US and Canada. Each year at the annual CAA conference, SAC creates entirely free and public content including panels and presentations, professional development sessions, roundtable, workshops, interviews and other events focused on supporting artists and educators. It engages with contemporary artists and activists to produce current, relevant programming that supports artists and furthers artistic discourse.
Jevi will also be joining the Western University Theory and Criticism’s Research Committee as the PhD Representative.
Update: Jevi now serves as a chair on SAC as of May 2022.
For its 2021 Convention, the Midwest Modern Language Association welcomes—especially, but not exclusively—proposals that broadly reflect aspects of its conference theme, “Cultures of Collectivity.”
Jevi will be presenting her research on November 4-7 2021 as part of a panel on Collective Tech.
The Graduate Peer Support Committee (GPS) as Wester University aims to provide resources and opportunities to support the social, emotional, and financial well-being of graduate students. It oversees the SOGS Food Bank Program, the Wellness Joint Fund, Graduate Wellness Week, and weekly drop-in graduate peer support.
Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) Local 610 is the Graduate Teaching Assistant and Postdoctoral Associate union at Western University. PSAC Local 610 represents over 2,000 members through collective bargaining, and by assisting with workplace grievances. Additionally, they service members with the benefits they’ve gained, and assist with local political action.
At PSAC Local 610, the mission is to create a union that strives towards reducing precarity and poverty among workers. It also aim to create a harassment and discrimination free workplace, where members feel welcomed and supported in their jobs.
Jevi was recently elected to the post of chair of the GPS committee, and as a steward at PSAC.
The Universities Art Association of Canada (UAAC) provides a national voice for its membership, composed of university and college faculty, independent scholars, and other art professionals in the fields of art, art history, and visual culture.
Every fall, UAAC-AAUC hosts Canada’s professional conference for visual arts-based research by art historians, professors, artists, curators, and cultural workers. The conference is held at a different location each year, generally at a Canadian university or college. The sessions and panels address issues and subjects in art history, theory, and practice from various methodological approaches.
In October 2021, the UAAC will be holding its annual conference. Jevi will be presenting her research.
Theory Sessions is a student-run tradition at the Centre for the Study of Theory and Criticism at Western University. The sessions facilitate an academically rigorous environment to present cohesive and cogent thoughts on subjects that our speakers are genuinely passionate about. It provides a rich opportunity to develop papers for publication, prepare for conferences, and develop performance art or presentation skills.
Jevi is the current co-coordinator for the Theory Sessions, and graphic designer for both the Theory Sessions and Speaker Series.
The Rotman Institute of Philosophy’s research is structured around dynamic interdisciplinary teams. The institute’s vision is to make progress on foundational and socially relevant questions by leading collaborations bridging philosophy, the sciences, and society. The mission is to catalyse and lead the production of interdisciplinary research with broad impact. It aims to train the leaders of tomorrow in both the humanities and the sciences. It also engages in outreach to educate and lead public discourse on scientific and philosophical challenges facing Canada and the world.
Jevi was recently accepted as a member.
Jevi’s recent hybrid poem, “Initialise”, was accepted into this summer’s online edition of Penumbra, and selected as the editors’ runner up.
Penumbra hosted its virtual launch party for the journal’s Summer 2021 edition on August 14th, from 2-3PM (PST). This year’s edition’s theme was “Self-Love” featuring poetry, prose, art, reviews, non-fiction, fiction, and hybrid literature.
“Initialise” is part of “SENTIENT”, an art-chapter in her hypervolition research that will be released in 2022.
Jevi will be presenting as a guest speaker at the launch party.
This one-day conference seeks to interrogate, provoke, explore, unpick, expose the various nuances of precarity, the (un)known and the complexities of how these states manifest and are conceptualised in arts, design, media research. Precarious Futures invites a range of responses to these ‘difficult’ events and states as a platform to expose and articulate their potential, vitality and challenges that bring into question disciplines, paradigms, and methods.
Jevi will be presenting her research on July 9th 2021 as part of a panel on Precarious Technologies.
Jevi will be a panel facilitator at the The Society for Philosophy and Technology Conference in Lille, France on June 28th 2021.
The Society for Philosophy and Technology is an independent international organization that encourages, supports and facilitates philosophically significant considerations of technology. Founded in 1976, the Society convenes its own international conference biennially.
The panel discussion will be on ‘Artificial Intelligence Issues Beyond Ethics’.
GradEx is a public exhibition and celebration of graduating students, the next wave of creative thinkers, makers and collaborators.
Students from undergraduate and graduate programs showcase their final thesis work.
Jevi’s MFA research on hypervolition will be part of this year’s exhibition on May 3rd – 31st, 2021.
On the Brink is a student run and organised conference seeking to share and discuss topics relating to Social and Political Thought and the various tipping points that can be found within this field.
This conference will be a place to share, present, and express the enthusiasm for work in an open dialogue with other students ready to engage with what they are bringing to the discussion. On May 5-6 2021, Jevi will be presenting her Masters research.
The Humans of OCADU Series features students at OCAD University, sharing their stories with the the wider community.
I was invited to give an interview as part of the series. You can read my story, and the stories of others on the myOCADU Community Instagram page and blog:
Recently featured on OCAD U Live interview segment as an OCAD U Award Winner.
View OCAD U Live here:
The College Art Association, is the preeminent international leadership organisation in the visual arts and intellectual engagement since 1911.
The College Art Association Annual Conference Committee works with the CAA staff to shape the program content of the CAA Annual Conference.
The committee’s major role is in selecting sessions based on proposal submissions reviewed by the Council of Readers while considering the mission and objectives of the association.
Jevi has been appointed as a member at-Large to serve on the committee for a three-year term.
Intersections | Cross-sections is an annual conference and art exhibition organized by the Joint Graduate Program in Communication and Culture at Ryerson University and York University in Toronto since 2002.
The 2021 theme is Futurities held on March 12-13, 2021, and featuring both academic and creative contributions for the annual conference (Intersections) and art exhibition (Cross-sections). Jevi will be presenting her Masters research.
The 44th annual Graduate Symposium and Exhibition, Radical (Re)worlding: Breaking and Making Worlds Through Radical Lenses is a collaborative, interdisciplinary event, organised by current AHVA graduate students that openly welcomes contributions on a wide variety of topics, both contemporary and historical, by emerging academics, artists, curators, and independent researchers and theorists.
The Graduate Symposium and Exhibition held by the Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory at the University of British Columbia is on March 4–5, 2021. Jevi will be presenting her Masters research.
The OCAD University Excellence in Student Leadership Award recognises the contributions of student leaders across the university in a variety of contexts, including representing student perspectives in positions on OCAD U committees, working groups, task forces, governance bodies or through publications, advocacy groups or the Student Union.
On March 9th 2021, supported by the Office of the President, Jevi was presented with the Excellence in Student Leadership Award at the Student Leadership Awards 2021: Celebrating Community & Excellence, recognising students whose outstanding contributions to student life, leadership, advocacy, equity and social justice, contribute to improving the OCAD University community.
The College Art Association of America (CAA) is the principal organisation in the United States for professionals in the visual arts, from students to art historians to emeritus faculty since 1911.
On Feb 10-13 2021, the CAA will be holding it 109th annual conference. Jevi will be presenting her Masters research.
After completing her term on the OCAD University Senate in her first year, Jevi has been elected to serve on the OCAD University Board of Governors for the duration of her second year in the Masters program.
The Board of Governors is responsible for governing and managing the affairs of the university.
World of Co has organised the artist residency programs in Sofia, Bulgaria since 2017, introducing the local art and culture to more than 150 international artists.
In September 2020, the WOC Online Artist Residency hosted four international artists. Jevi’s latest work created within the month-long virtual art program was displayed as part of the exhibition.
Older news items have been archived.