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Sound – Mar 2023

I’ve been messing around Sonic Pi, Tone.js, and Max MSP a bit this year through DisPerSion Lab (DIStributed PERformance and Sensorial immersION Lab). My latest project uses a gaming controller to make music. It’s been really nice to get back to sound design and coding.

I also found this configuration on aids with pain relief. I tried it on a hunch that the noise might help, and after it worked, I did a bit of research on it.

It seems a study found that noise around 5 dB above room noise levels aids in pain relief. However, I didn’t dive any deeper into the paper referenced. If the article misinterpreted the results, and it was a placebo effect or faulty study, I was fine with that. The pain was gone.

This is one of the situations where ignorance is bliss.

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✴ N.B. I'm offline all day on Sundays.